Is the treatment of patients through spiritual, emotional, mental, and environmental in addition to the physical means. The general principle is that all aspects of the patient are considered in treating illness, which include natural and less invasive alternatives when possible. The patient and health care provider form a partnership that allows for a holistic approach that includes beliefs, overall wellness, and community to the healing of the mind and body.
So, as an integrative nutritionist health coach, I concentrate on the nutrition part of it and can/will work with other practitioners to ensure that not only we pay attention to what we eat or how we exercise but to our bodies as a whole. I am not a doctor and I am not a nutritionist; I will work with them or just us to help you go back to basics and ensure you are living life as healthier as possible.
Will I force you to eat vegan or keto NO, will I encourage you to eat more veggies HELL YES! It is not about what works for me, or what social media says WILL work, but in seeing what works for you taking into consideration relationships, job, spirituality, activities, etc.
Have you ever had a headache and instead of taking Ibuprofen you decided to take a walk around the yard and it went away? Or all of the sudden couldn’t stop eating oranges and after eating 5 of them realized you have more energy? Or had a very stressful day and eating that piece of chocolate made you relax?
All of those things have an explanation, and it has come to my attention that not a lot of people know that, and I am making it my mission to guide as many souls as I can into their best life, while I’m guiding myself into my own.
If you want to know more about it, reach out!!!!!! I love sharing what I’m learning and hopefully I can make your life a little brighter and even if I don’t you made mine by letting me share my experience with you!!