Why Essential Oils?

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The beginning of the end 

Have you ever go down a path that you know there is no way back…. Have you ever started a task that you know is going to change your life forever. Well that was me in 2015… I had a new baby and a new set of responsibilities and a whole new set of worries in my head. 

And I remember vividly the day that I said enough…. I was cleaning the bathroom with a product made my head SO dizzy that I had to clean in installments and with the windows open no matter the temperature outside… and it hit me … I am not only putting my self through this but I am also condoling my baby to breathe this reached poison? What am I doing!?! 

And then the googling started …. I was FURIOUS! 

Have you ever investigate on the products you use in your house 

I was appalled, I could not believe what I was using in my house. If you ever google ONE of the ingredients of any of the products you use in the house the first thing you will see (guaranteed) is a warning for what to do if that substance is in contact with your skin. E.V.E.R.Y  S.I.N.G.L.E bottle. 

And then I have not only me that touches something and then hold my baby, but then I will have my baby sit on a counter, or crawl, and then like all babies do… they take their hands, feet and everything they have in front of them to their mouth! To their mouth!!! 

And the warning if for what happens if you touch it! Not even mention what happens when you put it in your mouth … That was D day for me 

Like always … the research

I can’t remember now how many hours (stressful hours I may add) I spent on my phone and my computer trying to find something that will not be poison and that is safe for both my and my family … Oh and have I mentioned I have 2 cats … that clean their fur with their tongues …. What was I doing to them?? It was a very stressful time!! 

And if you are ever researching something on the internet, is crazy! Ten people say use this product is awesome and then you have 10 more that say the opposite … How are you able to make your decision just on the internet? 

The breakthrough 

So I went back to the roots … literally … to mother nature, after all her name is “mother” nature isn’t it? So I started thinking on what can you use that is natural that will help my clean my house and keep the germs out. 

I started with white vinegar and lemon, then added a little bit of baking soda, but that was not enough. I had streaks in my glass and mirrors, and to be honest, lemons are not cheap! And I still was not sure on what to use to disinfect the house. I do not trust just lemon and vinegar to clean the bathrooms, or my daughters toys when there was a cold epidemic in daycare. 

Mother Nature was the answer… but I needed more. 

The funniest thing 

It was around that time whenever I started watching a TV show that by now most people know (they are actually books I came to find out later) that is called OUTLANDER … Yes in addition to help me with keeping my mind clear, and gave me something pretty good to look at, it gave me the beginning of the answer that I was looking for … PLANTS! I have forgotten all about plants…

In the show, there is this lady that uses plants and roots to help with the sick back in the 1700s, and yes we are not in the 18th century but if they used it back then to help with illness and make ointments, why wouldn’t it work in the 21st century. 

And I remember there was a time when I was little that my mom was using “Bach flowers” as a homeopathic remedy, how when I had a cough we drank onion tea… I know … how if I had a cold I was suppose to breathe into hot water and eucalyptus leaves, etc. But I did find my answer …. Essential oils 

What are essential oils … If you google it you find this answer: “An essential oil is a concentrated hydrophobic liquid containing volatile aroma compounds from plants. Essential oils are also known as volatile oils, ethereal oils, aetherolea, or simply as the oil of the plant from which they were extracted” … so in English, essential oils is the essence of that plant that after being press ( one of the ways you can obtain it) comes out in a form of oil. 

The beginning 

I was sooo happy!!! How many times did you hear/buy something with Levander because it was suppose to calm you down. Well …  I can’t tell you how exited I was about my “new” findings. 

But then the problems raised again … what is natural, what is organic, what works and what is a scam? Like usual, they are companies that say that they are organic, they are companies that said that they don’t use pesticides on their plants, they are companies that do truly believe that but then, they don’t know all of the ingredients that their partners use. 

So I tried so much to make sure that I have stuff that is good for my family to fail because I do not know what company to believe in… 

The miracle 

Living in the mountains of North Carolina helped me with my research, living in a “hippie” town allowed me to find the company that I trusted for my experiments … DoTerra

Reading about their history and the men that founded back in 2008, I realized they care about the same things that I care about. Where things come from and making sure that in the process they maintain the same integrity they had while they were planted. 

And by doing that you make sure that you are keeping all the properties of the plants and everything that will help you, instead of having to add chemicals down the line to pretend they are the real thing.

The way my mentor explained it to me one time was, think of a Keurig cup. The first time you brew it, you have that awesome coffee, and that is the essential oil it self. Now some companies sell that used cup and brew it a second time, adding a little bit of colorant. Then a third and a forth… that is what we are trying to avoid. We only want the first press.

The results 

I have been using oils for a while, not only to make my house smell good, but to keep my daughter healthy. I defuse them, I use them topically and what is important … I clean with them! 

I use them in every single room of my house, even with glass and mirrors with no streaks… I have no worries when my kid puts something in her mouth after dropping it. When my cats walk right after I clean and then clean their furs, when my child wants to help me clean so I give her a small spray bottle with actual cleaner in it, I have added a dog after a few years and I am not worried about it either…

And I am a firm believer and advocate of their power, even skepticals that continues to call them “voodoo witchcraft”, has been turned over because in their simplicity they hold a great power. My partner has 3 roll ons with him, one he keeps in his truck, and when he comes home with sore muscles he ask for my DeepBlue rub <3

Like I said, I did a lot of research, and I will continue to do more; there were a lot of fails and even more successes with oils, and I have re-learned the magic of plants! You can always message me and I am more than happy to talk to you, and then of course this is only the first time that I will be posting about it, believe me there will be more. 

