Is Integration Important?

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Your body is a perfectly oil machine! Did you ever hear that? Lets go back to basics, have you ever explained to a small child how a scratch will heal in a few days… Or had the opportunity of seeing how your kid face heal a week after she decided to face plank in the street? 🤦🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️

Your body has power of healing itself… granted it takes time cause every part of your body needs to work together!

And since what we eat, drink, how we exercise and our stress level matters to lower cholesterol, why is it that we don’t focus on EVERYTHING else too??? Why is it that take an antiacid when you have heartburn but don’t think stress can increase our stomach acid production? Or we really want to say a few things to our boss but we swallow it and end up having back-to-back strep throat infections???

Doctors learned in school how our body is interrelated but for some reason or don’t put it into practice… Don’t get me wrong I am not blaming things on the doctors; I am blaming it on modern society! Where we are so used to everything fast that we forget it takes time to heal and we are so used to having everything in little pills that we don’t use our natural resources anymore … and I could go for hours but I wont! Unless you want me too and then I can call you and talk your ear off

But coming back to my initial thought, our bodies are connected and what we do to one part of it can interfere with a different part of it… and is important to have this knowledge so the next time that we have a headache we can think… Did I eat too much? Am I stressed at work? Is my kid being challenging? Did it start after I had a fight with my partner? And see if we can find the cause of it instead of just taking a little pill that works by blocking your body’s production of certain natural substances that cause inflammation (Ibuprofen).